AD Schleicher ASW 15

Jan Ritsma
Berichten: 2616
Lid geworden op: 23 sep 2009, 20:20

AD Schleicher ASW 15

Bericht door Jan Ritsma » 06 jul 2021, 22:35

Wing root rib damage

Occurrences were reported of finding wing root rib damage. Investigation is ongoing to determine
the root cause of the damage.
This condition, if not detected and corrected, could reduce the structural integrity of the wing
assembly of the sailplane.
To address this potential unsafe condition, Schleicher issued the TN to provide inspection
For the reasons described above, this AD requires repetitive inspections of each affected part and,
depending on findings, replacement. This AD also introduces restrictions for installation of an
affected part. ... D_21-095_1

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