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Een maxi-cosi voor de zweefvlieginstructeur

Geplaatst: 28 aug 2015, 15:15
door Jan Ritsma
Pete Bennett becomes the youngest gliding instructor in the country aged 16
By Western Gazette - Yeovil | Posted: August 28, 2015

PETE Bennett from Yeovil has become the youngest gliding instructor in the country.

Pete, who was 16 in March, started gliding at the age of 12 at Devon and Somerset Gliding Club (DSGC) and was flying solo by the age of 14.

He then completed a two-year period of working towards obtaining his glider pilot's licence and has now become an instructor.

Clearly a natural, in August 2014 Pete achieved his 'silver height' from 1000m at North Hill and in June this year he flew a 165km cross-country flight to achieve his 'silver distance'.
Zie: ... story.html

De wereld draait door, maar dan in de betekenis van: de wereld is doorgedraaid.
Ik herinner me nog dat Wim Kan met oudejaar zong: slaap maar gerust kindje slaap, daar buiten daar loopt een agent van politie, een zeventienjarige knaap..

Het is trouwens bedenkelijk dat iemand die twee jaar geleden solo ging zweefvlieginstructeur wordt. Zo iemand heeft NUL ervaring.
Het moet niet doller worden.

Re: Een maxi-cosi voor de zweefvlieginstructeur

Geplaatst: 31 aug 2015, 23:21
door Mr T
Ok, het is jong, maar is het dan ook verkeerd? Dat valt nog te bezien, als iemand op zijn (of haar) veertigste was begonnen met zweefvliegen had ie daarin net zo veel ervaring gehad als deze jongeman; dan had je er alleen niemand over gehoord.
De opmerking "maxi-cosi" is gewoon beledigend en ongepast voor iemand die aan de normen van het examen voldoet. Dat je het met die normen niet eens betekent niet dat je dat af moet reageren op een persoon die daar aan voldoet.

zie hieronder wat Rod Machado zei over jonge vlieginstructeurs:
Dear Mr. Machado:

My question concerns flight instructors. I haven't as yet started my flight training, although I've been to ground school. I'm looking for a good flight instructor, but most of those at my airport are young and inexperienced. It's also obvious that they're there to build time for an airline job. Am I better off trying to find an experienced CFI or just biting the bullet and flying with one of the younger ones? I'm not sure whether or not a young CFI can teach me all that I need to fly safely. What are your thoughts on this?


Greetings Fred:

As far as learning to fly is concerned, it's not the experience of the flight instructor that counts most (yes, it counts - it just doesn't count most). What counts most is the quality of your teacher. I would much rather be trained by a young person who's a good teacher than an experienced person who is incapable of explaining even the most basic aviation ideas. Of course, if you can find a good teacher with experience, then you've got the best of both worlds.

As the Rolling Stones' lead singer Mick Jagger once sang, "You can't always get what you want." The next line of that song is "But if you try sometime, you just might find you get what you need." You can't always find an experienced CFI who's also a good teacher.

But don't fret, mon frere. To earn a flight instructor certificate you have to be able to fly, and fly quite well, I might add. It stands to reason that a younger CFI who can teach (and there are plenty of these enthusiastic CFIs out there, believe me) can at least teach you to fly as well as he or she does, right? If you could fly with even a modicum of your CFI's skills, you'd be qualified to bypass the private certificate and go directly for the commercial license. Of course, this isn't possible, but you get my point, right?

Whether your flight instructor is young, older, experienced, building time, or building a career is irrelevant. What's relevant is his or her ability to teach. Nothing matters more. I suspect that you're just as likely to find as many capable younger CFIs as you are to find capable and experienced older ones. So find someone capable.