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Aan de grond door een hersentumor

Geplaatst: 15 jun 2014, 13:28
door Jan Ritsma
Een mooi aandoenlijk verhaal over een piloot die niet wenste op te geven. Vertrouwen, noodlot en doorzettingsvermogen zijn de ingredienten.
BATTLE CREEK — The last time he flew his airplane, he landed it in the tall grass of his Pierce County farm. Upside down.

It had always run hot, but that day he’d watched his temperature gauge edge higher and higher: 220 degrees, 240 degrees, 260. He panicked a little, and instead of coaxing the GlaStar to the airstrip behind his hangar, he aimed for the nearest field.

The grass in the meadow was knee-high, and thick enough to swallow his wheels and pitch him forward. He crawled out and walked home, much of his plane damaged but only his pride injured.

But that’s not why Bruce Zimmerman lost his pilot’s license, or what led him to spend the past decade trying to peel off the red tape that was keeping him stuck to the ground.
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